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Part 7 of the #accharmonycal is finished 😊 I'm a couple of weeks behind on this because it just wasn't what I felt like working on for a while, but I'm back into it now 🙂 the pattern is by @lil_psychotic73 and is running as a #cal for the @australiancrochetcommunity and I'm using @kokonki.motki yarn. . . #crochet #blanket #crochetblanket #afghan #crochetafghan #harmonycal #ombreyarn #ombreyarncake #blue #blueombre #purple #purpleombre #tulipetimo #crochetlove #crochetaddict #crochetastherapy #handmade #handcrafted #madewithlove #crochetgram #crochetgirlgang #crochetgeek #procraftination #crochetersofinstagram #australiancrochetcommunity #blackholesandunicornscrochet